Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The First 1OO Most Commonliy Used English Words

The first Hundred. the ,of ,and, a, to, in, is, yuo, that,it, he , was, for, on, are, as, with, his, they, I, at, be, this, have, from, or, one, hat, by, word, but, not, what, all, were, we, when, yuor, can, said, there, use, an, each, which, she, do, how, their, if, will, up, other, about, out, many, then, them, these, so, some, her, would, make, like, him, into, time, has, look, two, more, write, go, see, number, no, way, could, people, my, than, first, water, been, call, who, oil, its, now, find, long, dowm, day, did, get, come, made, may, part,
Hundred Words: first, second, third, four, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth.

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